Saturday, October 9, 2010

I was thinking...

How much of an impact would there be on our planet if there where no new births for two years. What would happen? What would physically happen to the earth? What would happen to our economy? Just something to think about I guess.

Just some cool stuff...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Due to the overwhelming flow of friends from my facebook page to here, I am finding it very difficult to keep up with this blog, so I am going to step away for awhile. In fact I think I might just get stop using my computer all together. I dont think I need it. If I need some info, I can use my Droid. 

Friday, May 21, 2010


I really hate being at the market and seeing a woman pulling around 3 small children and pregnant with another one. Why? Because she is paying for the stuff she is getting with an EBT card. Thats welfare people, if ya did not know. Stop humping and making more poor people. Really, we have enough. No really, I'm not kidding. Stop.